Wednesday, July 23, 2008


July is a month filled with sadness and happiness. A bit oxymoronic. July 6 marked Woan's second anniversary in heaven, and we placed flowers for her at Nilai Memorial Park, where her remains are kept, on July 5. Khoon Eng and Ivan made their way there on July 6, a Sunday. It was especially hard in the days leading up to the anniversary. I kept thinking about her last days with us two years ago. Well, she's not suffering now, as Shaw Feng said.
July 12 came along and Shaw Feng was very sweet to arrange a dinner at IOI Marriott's Japanese restaurant, Midori, for all nine of us! was fun doing a buffett with the family, where you get to peek at what others on the table are eating. Kayrin had lots of fun with Ivan around.
And my birthday present? a HTC Touch Diamond! So, after 1 Ericsson, 4 Nokias, I've now abandoned the main brands..Thanks to the lovely, terrific gift from Shaw Feng. I promise I'll one day be posting lots of pix on this blg ;)
And July hasn't endd. There's more to come. July 31 is when Shaw Feng turns 38. Scratching my head now trying to find a place for dinner. Somewhere he, Kayrin and I can eat good food and have some fun. Any suggestions?

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