Sunday, November 08, 2020

Where Are Daddy's?

Stories for My Daughters' Wedding: Part 2

Ever watched MIIB or Men in Black 2?

We did, with the younger K. In one scene, Jay (Will Smith) tells Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) to hit the villain on his balls and reminded Kay that the balls are hidden, under the chin.

SF and I laughed out loud, prompting the 8 year-old K to ask what those were.

Balls, mommy said. Testicles, daddy replied. 

Little K: How come daddy doesn't have them?

Mommy: He does.

Little K: Not on the chin.

Mommy: They are not where you can see them. Down somewhere, darling. 

Sex & Planning Ahead

Stories for My Daughters' Wedding: Part 1 

I'm having some good laugh with the kids at home during this lockdown period for us in Malaysia. I remember the exact date the lockdown began for us. March 18, 2020. Today is Nov. 8. That means eight months of working fully from home, with about a handful of visits to the office. Who would have thought.

Amidst all these, the elder K started university and tasted campus life for 2 weeks, and had to come home and be in lockdown with the family.

This post is about the elder K. It was Friday evening, and while doing the dishes, she approached me.

K: You really want to vacuum and mop tonight?

Me: Yes, darling.

K: But why? Don't you have your meeting at night? [It's been a case of 8:30 pm or 9 pm meetings on an almost daily basis since the lockdown. Weekends are also pretty much work days, albeit shorter ones.]

    Can't we vacuum and mop tomorrow?

Me: Nope. I've got art class tomorrow.

K: Can't we mop tomorrow evening instead?

Me: I don't want to. I want to get it done.

K: How about we mop next week?

Me: Hey, that's a brilliant idea. Now, why didn't I think of it?

K: Because you don't plan ahead.

And because mommy must have the last word:

Me: That's so true, darling. Sex with daddy was so great that I didn't plan ahead and had you girls as a result.