Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Turning 40

Big stars like Ringo Starr get interviewed for their birthdays. I'm so often on the other end, asking the questions and grilling others. So, I'm putting the questions to myself and pondering the answers:

What does it mean to you to reach the big four-zero?
I used to think like most people do, that "no, I don't want to age another year" but this year, while thinking about my late sister Woan, it dawned on me I should be very thankful for being given the chance to celebrate this milestone. My sister didn't even make it to her 34th birthday. I'm very blessed to be here.

What are your achievements these past four decades?
Having my daughter, breastfeeding her fully for 13 months. That of course, came with loads of help from the person who contributed to making her, my husband Shaw Feng. I'm still torn, since the day Kayrin was born seven years ago, that I'm not doing enough for her, not dedicating enough of my time to her.

What do you hope to accomplish in the next forty years?
I'm not thinking that far, not that presumptuous. But I know what I want to do. I want to promote conservation. Of natural resources, our heritage -- everything from old buildings to memoribilias. Looking back, I've always wanted to be someone very involved in environmental issues. When I was 24, and just out in the working world, I wrote on environmental issues. Perhaps, I will return to my roots someday. In the meantime, I'm trying to make compost in my own little patch of a garden, and trying to see if earthworms will survive alongside me.

You've often admitted to being bossy but get irked when others don't take the lead. What does this mean for your family?

(to be continued)

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