Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kayrin Goes to Shanghai

There's been hardly time to blog lately. The first five months of the year has zoomed past in a jiffy. School started, exams came in March and Kayrin fell ill the day after exams ended. Five whole days of fever that started with a lot of throwing up. By the time she recovered, after Dr. Wong's administration, she was a skeleton of herself. Then I came down with flu and cough at the end of April and took more than a week to recover. By May, it was SF's turn. Baby Karen got her first viral bout after that. Fever and chesty cough that refused to go away until Dr. Wong returned from her trip and prescribed Binozyt the antibiotic. By then, it was Kayrin's exams again -- a period fraught with tantrums, resistance and smackings. Not fun at all. Oh, there was GE13 to keep everyone geared to the Internet in the month of May.
Now that May is coming to an end, I'm here on a Sunday morning, having dropped Kayrin and her grandma off at the airport near midnight for their first trip together. Shanghai beckons for grandma and Kayrin's the first among SF, Karen and I to step foot there. Enjoy your break, Kayrin, and may you learn to appreciate home better being away from mommy, daddy, 妹妹 and kakak for 12 days.

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